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We describe a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) that simulates the flow induced by the astronomical tide in a synthetic port channel, with dimensions based on the Santos - S\~ao Vicente - Bertioga Estuarine System. PINN models aim to combine the knowledge of physical systems and data-driven machine learning models. This is done by training a neural network to minimize the residuals of the governing equations in sample points. In this work, our flow is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations with some approximations. There are two main novelties in this paper. First, we design our model to assume that the flow is periodic in time, which is not feasible in conventional simulation methods. Second, we evaluate the benefit of resampling the function evaluation points during training, which has a near zero computational cost and has been verified to improve the final model, especially for small batch sizes. Finally, we discuss some limitations of the approximations used in the Navier-Stokes equations regarding the modeling of turbulence and how it interacts with PINNs.
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Can we leverage the audiovisual information already present in video to improve self-supervised representation learning? To answer this question, we study various pretraining architectures and objectives within the masked autoencoding framework, motivated by the success of similar methods in natural language and image understanding. We show that we can achieve significant improvements on audiovisual downstream classification tasks, surpassing the state-of-the-art on VGGSound and AudioSet. Furthermore, we can leverage our audiovisual pretraining scheme for multiple unimodal downstream tasks using a single audiovisual pretrained model. We additionally demonstrate the transferability of our representations, achieving state-of-the-art audiovisual results on Epic Kitchens without pretraining specifically for this dataset.
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Accurately predicting interactive road agents' future trajectories and planning a socially compliant and human-like trajectory accordingly are important for autonomous vehicles. In this paper, we propose a planning-centric prediction neural network, which takes surrounding agents' historical states and map context information as input, and outputs the joint multi-modal prediction trajectories for surrounding agents, as well as a sequence of control commands for the ego vehicle by imitation learning. An agent-agent interaction module along the time axis is proposed in our network architecture to better comprehend the relationship among all the other intelligent agents on the road. To incorporate the map's topological information, a Dynamic Graph Convolutional Neural Network (DGCNN) is employed to process the road network topology. Besides, the whole architecture can serve as a backbone for the Differentiable Integrated motion Prediction with Planning (DIPP) method by providing accurate prediction results and initial planning commands. Experiments are conducted on real-world datasets to demonstrate the improvements made by our proposed method in both planning and prediction accuracy compared to the previous state-of-the-art methods.
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Obstacles on the sidewalk often block the path, limiting passage and resulting in frustration and wasted time, especially for citizens and visitors who use assistive devices (wheelchairs, walkers, strollers, canes, etc). To enable equal participation and use of the city, all citizens should be able to perform and complete their daily activities in a similar amount of time and effort. Therefore, we aim to offer accessibility information regarding sidewalks, so that citizens can better plan their routes, and to help city officials identify the location of bottlenecks and act on them. In this paper we propose a novel pipeline to estimate obstacle-free sidewalk widths based on 3D point cloud data of the city of Amsterdam, as the first step to offer a more complete set of information regarding sidewalk accessibility.
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Inverse problems are paramount in Science and Engineering. In this paper, we consider the setup of Statistical Inverse Problem (SIP) and demonstrate how Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithms can be used in the linear SIP setting. We provide consistency and finite sample bounds for the excess risk. We also propose a modification for the SGD algorithm where we leverage machine learning methods to smooth the stochastic gradients and improve empirical performance. We exemplify the algorithm in a setting of great interest nowadays: the Functional Linear Regression model. In this case we consider a synthetic data example and examples with a real data classification problem.
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完全自主移动机器人的现实部署取决于能够处理动态环境的强大的大满贯(同时本地化和映射)系统,其中对象在机器人的前面移动以及不断变化的环境,在此之后移动或更换对象。机器人已经绘制了现场。本文介绍了更换式SLAM,这是一种在动态和不断变化的环境中强大的视觉猛烈抨击的方法。这是通过使用与长期数据关联算法结合的贝叶斯过滤器来实现的。此外,它采用了一种有效的算法,用于基于对象检测的动态关键点过滤,该对象检测正确识别了不动态的边界框中的特征,从而阻止了可能导致轨道丢失的功能的耗竭。此外,开发了一个新的数据集,其中包含RGB-D数据,专门针对评估对象级别的变化环境,称为PUC-USP数据集。使用移动机器人,RGB-D摄像头和运动捕获系统创建了六个序列。这些序列旨在捕获可能导致跟踪故障或地图损坏的不同情况。据我们所知,更换 - 峰是第一个对动态和不断变化的环境既有坚固耐用的视觉大满贯系统,又不假设给定的相机姿势或已知地图,也能够实时运行。使用基准数据集对所提出的方法进行了评估,并将其与其他最先进的方法进行了比较,证明是高度准确的。
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公共数据集在推进车牌识别(LPR)的最新技术方面发挥了关键作用。尽管数据集偏见在计算机视觉社区中被认为是一个严重的问题,但在LPR文献中很大程度上忽略了它。 LPR模型通常在每个数据集上进行训练和评估。在这种情况下,他们经常在接受培训的数据集中证明了强大的证明,但在看不见的数据集中表现出有限的性能。因此,这项工作研究了LPR上下文中的数据集偏差问题。我们在八个数据集上进行了实验,在巴西收集了四个,在中国大陆进行了实验,并观察到每个数据集都有一个独特的,可识别的“签名”,因为轻量级分类模型预测了车牌(LP)图像的源数据集,其图像的源95%的精度。在我们的讨论中,我们提请人们注意以下事实:大多数LPR模型可能正在利用此类签名,以以失去概括能力为代价,以改善每个数据集中的结果。这些结果强调了评估跨数据库设置中LPR模型的重要性,因为它们提供了比数据库内部的更好的概括(因此实际性能)。
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